Home Interviews Interview with Jay Buchanan (Rival Sons)

Interview with Jay Buchanan (Rival Sons)


After attending their Montreal concert two weeks ago, I got the idea from a common friend to give Jay a call, and ask him to answer couple of questions, to make you guys discover his band, his love for music, and his passions in life.

Hope you guys like the interview as much as I liked doing it.

Thanks a lot Jay. You are a great guy! GREAT things are coming for you! And thanks to Talita to make it happen, and to Ian for the always helpful hand.

Daily-Rock Quebec: Thanks a lot for taking the time for this interview Jay. It’s really appreciated.

Jay Buchanan: It’s my pleasure. Thanks for the interest.

DRQ: Rival Sons just finished touring Canada. How was it?

[soundcloud url= »https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/119366392″ width= »100% » height= »166″ iframe= »true » /]
DRQ: Talking about that….is there any differences in playing as an opening band, and playing as a headliner?
[soundcloud url= »https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/119378867″ width= »100% » height= »166″ iframe= »true » /]

DRQ: I know that you have a wife and a kid…how do you manage the life on the road and the family life? Do you bring them on tour?

[soundcloud url= »https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/119382313″ width= »100% » height= »166″ iframe= »true » /]

DRQ: What do you like more, the life on the road or the recording time with the band?
[soundcloud url= »https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/119386483″ width= »100% » height= »166″ iframe= »true » /]

DRQ: Rival Sons has 3 studio albums….is your recording approach is the same on every record? (Rival Sons have actually 4 studio albums, if we count the EP that was released in 2011)
The next studio album of Rival Sons will be recorded in January in Nashville, like their previous CD Head Down.

[soundcloud url= »https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/119387921?secret_token=s-AytkU » width= »100% » height= »166″ iframe= »true » /]

DRQ: What is the turning point in your life when you said to yourself….that’s what I wanna do for a living…music!?
[soundcloud url= »https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/119391409″ width= »100% » height= »166″ iframe= »true » /]

DRQ: What are your biggest musical influences, your musical heroes?
[soundcloud url= »https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/119394127″ width= »100% » height= »166″ iframe= »true » /]

DRQ: What are the bands that you are into these days?

[soundcloud url= »https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/119397245″ width= »100% » height= »166″ iframe= »true » /]

DRQ: If you had to choose some bands from the 70’s to play with you. What bands would it be?

[soundcloud url= »https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/119399326″ width= »100% » height= »166″ iframe= »true » /]

DRQ: Can you describe Rival Sons to somebody who has no clue who they are?

[soundcloud url= »https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/119401261″ width= »100% » height= »166″ iframe= »true » /]

DRQ: Well that’s it for us. Thanks a lot for your time, and let’s hope we can see Rival Sons really soon in Montreal and in Canada.

JB: I think we might get able to do that in early spring!

DRQ: Well very cool. Thanks again for your time…We’ll talk to you real soon!

JB: No problems…thanks for your interest! Have a nice day!

Interview and translation : Laurent Lépine



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